Monday 16 November 2015

Scrappy Draught Excluder

Another item on the 2015 to do list was tidy up the lobby by the back door, It's been a bit of a dumping ground over the years. The back door was also in need of some TLC.

Once I'd cleared all the junk out, I could get to the door, sand it down & give it a couple of coats of varnish. 

The lobby can be cold & there's quite a draught that comes in around the door. This has been wasting me money as my heat escapes. I put some sticky back draught excluder around the door frame.

The longer term plan is to make a door curtain to help to keep the heat in. 

That's going to take a while to finish so I made scrappy draught excluder for the bottom of the door from leftovers from other projects.

 I covered a length of pipe insulation with some wadding.

 I just tucked the ends of the wadding into the tube.

Final Step was to cover it all in fabric. It took less than 2 hours to make and cost me nothing.

Holding back the draught & helping me be a bit more frugal.